Frankly speaking, I am just frustated about how recruiters are recruiting people. For instance, a recruiter, Masters in Business Administration specializing in Human Resource is recruiting a Software developer for a company. He/she goes through the standard procedure of recruitment by asking questions on the resume, job designation, aptitute and so on. The recruitment process succeeds only if the person attending the interview has high scores, is a confident-talker, or is referenced by someone big from inside the company. Neither in the above case, there is actual appreciation of the true talents of the person. By this I mean that, recruiters do not take the time to screen people by the work they have done in the past. Also, how does a MBA person know anything about the responsibilites of a "Software developer"?. (This needs some serious thinking...)
As we all know that life is a journey that is only understand by making it. Life teaches us at each and every step of the journey. Looking at this from a professional perspective, Wouldn't it be great if somehow we were to associate that experience with our resume/CV. Mera Kaam helps you to do just that. It allows to present your story as a set of milestones.
Each milestone is shown with the appropriate media. A media is a resource on the web. (YouTube, Wikipedia, Twitter, Soundcloud and so on). One example of a milestone is that when we complete our school. We might want to show the website of the school or a location on the map. But wait! this is not it, you might want to showcase your teachers in your story. Mera Kaam helps you with this by casting people you know in your milestone thus giving them the credit they deserve. The story is presented in easy to read book view.
Hi, my name is Hemant Agrawal, just another ordinary insignificant person.
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